Minutes - Lent 2005

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting - Saturday 13th March 2005
Held In: The Nihon Room, Pembroke College, Cambridge.

In Which We Discuss RON An Awful Lot Despite Deciding (Twice) That There Are No Rons In Cambridge.

Minutes of the Elevenses Meeting - Saturday 5th March 2005
Held In: G5, Ridley Hall, Cambridge.

In Which The Reading Is Multi-Lingual and We Try On Each Others' Glasses.

Minutes of the Elevenses Meeting - Saturday 20th February 2005
Held In: 62 Jesus Lane, Cambridge.

In Which It Later Became Apparent That A Mole Was Gathering Evidence to Write About Us In TCS (Or Was It Varsity?).

Minutes of the Formal Hall of Diplocmacy - Tuesday 15th Februay 2005
Held In: Jesus College Hall and Bar, Cambridge

In Which We Negotiate with Sheila (spit, spit).

Minutes of the [Elevenses Meeting and] Campake party - Campake Day (Saturday 12th February 2005)
Held In: A kitchen on Selwyn Road

In Which the Campakes Bite and We Decide That Tom is a 60's Grunge Band.

Minutes of the Elevenses Meeting - Saturday 29th January 2005
Held In: 62 Jesus Lane, Cambridge.

In Which We Discuss Folderism.

Minutes of the Elevenses Meeting - Saturday 22nd January 2005
Held In: Magdalene College, Cambridge, probably

In Which We Wonder If There Are Any Straight Colleges.

Minutes of the Non-Meeting - Saturday 15th January 2005
Held In: Sherbourne Close, Cambridge

In Which We Somehow Never Quite Open A Meeting.

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