Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society Extra-constitutional Meeting held on Sunday 01/10/2000 in Rm 6, 10 Selwyn Gardens

Present : Martin, Richard, Owen, Claire, Jenny, Gina.

  1. The meeting is opened.

  2. Jenny tries to claim its nearly the end of the month.

  3. We discuss what we all did over the summer.

  4. The past minutes are read out.

  5. I am censured for random reasons.

  6. Next weeks meeting will be in O10.

  7. We will have a stall at the freshers fair though we don’t know when it is yet.

  8. We set the Pooh levy to be £1 this year.

  9. we decide on holding a freshers formal hall on Tuesday 10th Oct.

  10. Reading: In which Eeyore looses a tail and Pooh finds one.

  11. We wonder what last years members are up to.

  12. We then vote to close the meeting.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2000.

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