Held in U9.
Present: Jon, Stephen, Ben, Andrew, and new face Robert Spectermann
Apologies: Vicky, who's at home ill.

  1. Jon turns up half-an-hour late, bearing cake and some very recently-typed minutes, as well as the Testaments and Treasury without which it's been difficult to get going. He stops Ben from getting redaing from the 'Net just in time, and opens the Meeting.

  2. Robert reads the minutes of last week's meeting, which are in red.

  3. Jon engineers a catastrophic tea spillage with the help of Ben's fabulously unpredictable teapot, in which the first sheet of minutes is irreparably damaged and Jon's leg badly wetted. He carries on heroically.

  4. Ben replenishes Jon's teacup, with the words: "There's something wrong with it..."

  5. Sarah arrives, with a beret and a broken foot as a result of her Footballing last week! She is also not well, so appropriate sympathy is offered.

  6. Jon's cake has come from five miles away!

  7. Sarah puts her foot up for health reasons.

  8. Vote that Sarah and Rob can vote for the duration of the meeting despite not being able to pay up: F, 2, Ag, 0, Abs, 2; motion carried.

  9. Rob doesn't know what Poohsticks is, so Jon reads from The House at Pooh Corner, "In Which Pooh Invents a New Game and Eeyore Joins In", whilst Stephen takes over the minutes.

  10. Jon is afraid he might get chocolate on the Testaments.

  11. The tea is officially too weak, although Ben has used five teabags. Even more have to be deployed.

  12. A random person called Jenny interrupts but is allowed to stay.

  13. Sarah thinks that Ben's poster of Sandra Bullock makes her look pregnant. Sandra, that is, not Sarah, obviously; that would be silly.

  14. Sarah is taken with a quite almighty sneezing fit. It takes several minutes for the all-clear to be sounded.

  15. The Sheila and Her Dog Society (spit, spit) are brought up: vote that Jon should be mandated to contact them in order to arrange a Formal Hall Of War or something similar, F, 3, Ag,1, Abs, 2; motion carried.

  16. Tapani has not arranged a Poohsticks Training Session as asked: vote that we censure him really really badly, including actually telling him we've done it this time, F, 2, Ag, 0, Abs, 3; motion carried.

  17. Jon foolishly suggests he needs another cup of tea.

  18. Ben reads his substitute reading, a snappy little number entitled 'Winnie-the-Pooh Goes Ape-Shit'; we are all, um, shaken...

  19. Ben's mouse goes funny.

  20. Ben's computer runs out of juice, but the jump-leads make all well again.

  21. Jon suggests we declare 'Winnie-the-Pooh Goes Ape-Shit' part of the Apocrypha, on the grounds that it's not actually contradictory to anything in the Testaments, but is clearly not part of them. Ben argues that it has a moral, which Jon encapsulates as: "Don't do drugs and kill all your friends, because there'll be no-one to take you to hospital when you O. D." F, 3, Ag, 1, Abs, 1; motion carried.

  22. Jon had to liberate one from the sitting room! [That was a chair we were talking about... Ed.]

  23. Vote to condemn those silly little pots of milk you get in hotels and airliners is horribly halted when the James attempts to vote. We regard this as a first offence, and carry on.

  24. Vote to nullify the previous vote, F, 3, Ag, 0, Abs, 1.

  25. New vote on the milk-pots motion, F, 2, Ag, 0, Abs 3.

  26. Vote to condemn Tetrapaks, while we're at it, F, 2, Ag 2, Abs 1; motion hung! Jenny is called in to arbitarte and thinksit's a silly vote, so it's defeated. Ben says this is the first time he's ever seen a vote defeated. Jon uses this to try and defend himself against charges of dictatorship, but then remembers he voted against.

  27. Vote to cloe meeting before we get any sillier, F, 3, Ag, 0, Abs, 2; motion carried, meeting closed.

  28. No venue for next week! Vote to reopen meeting to decide, F, 4, Ag, 0, Abs, 1; motion carried, meeting reopened by moot of the members [this is constitutional, I've checked. Ed.]

  29. Next week's meeting will be in E4, chez Rob.

  30. Vote to close again, F, 3, Ag, 1, Abs, 1; meeting closed.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1996.

Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College