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44 Thoday Street
7th June 2003

Fox’s Biscuits
PO Box 10
West Yorkshire
WF17 5JG

Dear Sir or Madam

In a recent meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society, during which we discussed the relative merits of various biscuits, we stumbled upon the issue of the extreme pinkness of your Pink Wafer biscuits. We were intrigued and perplexed by such an unusual choice of colour for a biscuit and felt that a great deal of risk must have accompanied the initial venture of plying the biscuit market with something so pink and wafery; something so thoroughly unsuited to being dipped in hot beverages. However, what really captivated our attention that day was simply the question of how you manufacture such a tasteful shade of pink so consistently.

I am therefore writing on behalf the society in order to ascertain how you make your Pink Wafer biscuits so very very pink.

Yours faithfully

Dunstan Roberts
Foreign Secretary

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2003.

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