Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society Elevenses Meeting held on the 13/05/2000 in the Garden of 32 Panton street.

Present : Martin, Owen, Richard, Jenny, Granny, Claire, Benedict, Kirsten, Rob, Emily, Mike.

Apologies : Yasmin, Ben, Stuart, Jon.

Guest : Imogen

  1. Jenny opens the meeting.

  2. Martin got to pay with the swipe card system today.

  3. Garden party Monday 19th June 2-5 approx.

  4. The garden party is discussed.

  5. The punt regatta is discussed.

  6. Vote to let Imogen vote, Passed.

  7. Reading: In which Piglet meets a Heffalump.

  8. Claire reads the minutes.

  9. Kirsten and Benedict apologise for their absence next week.

  10. Next weeks meeting in AA25.

  11. Vote to close: Passed.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2000.

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