Minutes of Elevenses Meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society
In which our host shoots everyone in the face.
Held on Saturday 24th May 2008 in the Secret Assasins' [sic] Lair.
Present: Twillo & Alicia, James, CGM, Ed, Luke Bennett MA (Master Assassin).
Apologies: Carol, Jack.
Later present: Matt, Capt ChRocoholixxs.
- No milk in Oolong.
- Gross [of] pigs. Or not.
- Twillo has a motion-sensing screen.
- Poohsoc has invaded the Assassins, not vice versa.
- CGM's school had security guards who disapproved of shooting people in the corridor with bananas.
- Guests can vote. 3-0-1. Carried.
- Twillo: "Turnips aren't actually phallic, but they should be."
- Ed ought to minute Twillo as The James to increase confusion. 4-0-1-1 [Alicia - koala].
- Election for the post of Tigger: Twillo: 5; RON: 0. Twillo is now Tigger.
- Blue Boar Court is a court of Pembroke. 5-0-1. Carried.
- Pigs aren't normally yellow. 3-1-2. Carried.
- Ed: "It isn't, so it isn't". 1-1-2-1 [dragon]. [CR decides For.] [appropriateness of Piglet digging on Garden Party tickets.]
- Simeon loves The James' giant things, but thinks they're lame.
- We could have a reading. 2-2-1. [CR decides For.]
- Matt doesn't want to be eaten by raptors. 4-1-0-1 [The James - He wants to be eaten by dragons]. Carried.
- The stone soup story.
- Reading: OT5 – Piglet finds a Heffalump.
- Captain ChRocoholixxs arrives and feeds us Jaffa Cakes.
- Ed hasn't written anything down for a while. 0-3-1-3 [Capt. - undemocratic; James - half a turnip; Matt - d3]. Failed.
- Nobody wants to second that the near end of Mill Road is the centre of the Universe. 2-1-1-3 [Assassins are discussing Will's arse-nal and are not paying attention].
- Meeting next week at the Botanic Gardens?
- Censure the three over there ^ for non-Pooh-related discussion, as they are being unsociable. 4-0-1-2 [Matt - dragons AND pandas; Capt. - 2 aubergines].
- Matt says something about the trolley.
- The jelly has congealed at the bottom of The James' tea.
- The James: "Dragonfly once put me in a man-corset."
- Alicia pokes The James and he collapses inwards.
- Ed will defer to The James' superior knowledge [of water pistols. Oo-er]. 2-2-2. [CR decides For.]
- CGM reads Sneezles.
- Closed 4-1-1.
- Matt: "If you want, you could just wrap yourself in bubble wrap."
- Ed passes the coasters to Coastguard James.
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