Minutes of the Elevenses Meeting, 01/05/99

Held in AA43, Pembroke College, Cambridge
Present: Ben, Jon, Jeremy, Martin, Belinda, Anthony, Granny, Claire, Jon, Kirsten, James.
Apologies: Jenny, Richard, Mad Jenny, Neil, Chris, Yasmin.
Guests: Benedict.

  1. We open the meeting so as to spite Ben.

  2. Belinda leaves the room to get milk. Jeremy considers installing Linux on her computer, but there isn't time.

  3. Claire plugs a concert at Homerton in which not only are Brian and RichardBoultonRichard singing, but are being conducted by our very own Yasmin.

  4. Belinda is complimented on her luxurious spread.

  5. A statutory pouffe joke is made.

  6. Apparently, there has been a pram sighted outside R staircase...

  7. There are no minutes yet. Attempts are made to find Jon via the miracle of the Internet, but they fail, and Ben can't find them on Pembroke's server. Eventually the problem is solved when Jon arrives bearing a printout which, according to his claims, he got despite a conspiracy of incompetent geeks reaching as high up as Tim Hardingham trying to impede him. He has not yet had his haircut. He does however announce that Kirsten and Benedict are due to arrive. Furthermore, he takes over the minuting, and also mentions Belinda's spread (well, it was a nice one).

  8. Anfoni nearly says something nice about someone, but manages to choke it back in time.

  9. We debate Claire's teaching technique (conclusion: laughter) and Jon's Part I results (conclusion: swot!).

  10. Musical problems are caused by Anfoni, who seems to have trouble with audio equipment in this room...

  11. Vote that Anfoni is to stand outside until he's considered the consequences of his actions, proposed by Claire oddly enough: F., 3, Ag., 0, Abs., 5, spoilt 1; carried. He does so.

  12. Jon gets his addition and subtraction confused counting the votes.

  13. Kirsten and Benedict arrive having scattered cakes about a small bag (apparently).

  14. Granny supports Benedict for membership, continuing the Society's Get 'Em While They're Young policy: F., 8, Ag., 0, Abs., 1; carried!

  15. Granny is entirely a suitable baby-seat, but then grannies are always good at baby-sitting, aren't they?

  16. We wonder whether we should resort to using the Boat Race for Varsity Poohsticks - Anfoni immediately bags Oxford. We let him.

  17. Jeremy reads last week's minutes - Benedict objects, but is given a nipple which quiets him, since the lack of one seems to have been his objection.

  18. Anfoni is apparently quietly vile in an unrepeatable manner, so Ben makes him a dunce's cap. Hurrah! Vote that he wear it for the meeting: F., 6, Ag., 1, Abs., 2; carried.

  19. Ben loses the plot but won't admit it.

  20. Alison's mother is mentioned by mistake.

  21. Vote to strip Jeremy (the original meaning was of his office, but Kirsten's intervention gets the idea broadened a bit): F., 1, Ag., 6, Abs., 2; failed.

  22. We attempt to entice in a Fresher named Nick who looks like Boris Becker - Belinda goes outside to talk to him and shuts the door behind her. Presumably she is attempting to pretend we're nothing to do with her...

  23. Christ's is apparently conforming to the Criminal Justice Act with its party regulations...

  24. Vote to retrospectively invoke Clause 41 to apply to Benedict's membership vote [as described in Minute 14 - ed.]: F., 9, Ag., 0, Abs., 2; carried.

  25. An additional Becky briefly arrives, holds Benedict briefly and then departs under a veil of secrecy. None of us are to mention her presence or record it in the minutes. Got that everyone? Good! Her secret is safe with us...

  26. Anfoni's hat becomes 'accidentally' screwed up.

  27. An Oliver appears on Belinda's computer, but we don't invite him round. He comes anyway though, and Belinda has to excuse us to another of her nice young men... He leaves quickly, strangely enough.

  28. We analyse Belinda's book collection while she is out (as everyone always does when their host leaves the room): it includes 'A Clockwork Orange' and 'Of Human Bondage'... When she returns the second item provokes the following conversation:

  29. The reading is "In Which Eeyore finds the Wolery and Wol Moves into it". Martin plays Wol, Kirsten plays Kanga and *beep*, James and Claire narrate. Anfoni plays Rabbit.

  30. Ben is particularly random this meeting: Jeremy suggests putting him in a paper bag, but unfortunately we only have Kirsten and Jon's nappy-sacks, which are too small.

  31. Another advert for Claire's concert is attempted but results in cacophony as everyone demonstrates their singing voices.

  32. Kirsten issues party invites: this establishes, among other things, that "people with Karen have more fun".

  33. Strategies to keep Dave Henderson away from the Garden Party are discussed.

  34. The note for this reads: 'Jeremy makes a style contact', but I can't remember what it was and am not prepared to swear that I didn't jut make it up, since it doesn't sound too likely in the cold grey light of R4.

  35. Next week's meeting will be held in BB6, Anfoni's room.

  36. Vote to close with a small piece of fluff in our right ears [actually, it'd have to be quite a big piece of fluff to fit in all our right ears - I'll get my coat shall I? Bernard Ed.]: F., 5, Ag., 1, Abs., 4, asleep 1; carried!

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