Minutes of the Secret Meeting, 30/05/99

Held in: R4, Pembroke College Cambridge, at 5:45.
Present: Jon, Alison, Benedict, Kirsten.
Apologies: N/A
Guests: Matt, Oliver.

  1. The Meeting is opened by Jon very quietly, so as not to alert unwary non-Poohsoc types.

  2. Food is discussed at which Benedict starts crying.

  3. Alison dismantles the remains of a flotilla of paper boats whih Kirsten had made for her.

  4. Rock music is discussed. Interesting things fail to be said.

  5. Alison intends to squeeze so hard it'll go through windows, apparently.

  6. Alison says, "I enjoyed my flotilla." Oliver finds this dubious.

  7. Jon claims that pizza was invented by Julius C‘sar: Benedct remains sceptical.

  8. Benedict requires either a crown of laurels or a cigar. He said so.

  9. Oliver is a naive young history student.

  10. Dave Henderson is mentioned.

  11. Alison meanders off in a caffeinated haze.

  12. Benedict becomes a clock.

  13. We decide to take the side off a slum and replce it with a window, so that we can watch it.

  14. 'The sun has already set on the British empire and most people prefer the darkness'.

  15. Oliver is right. And again. In fact he is not wrong, repeatedly.

  16. Do you like Kipling? I don't know, I've never kippled.

  17. Cockroaches live for 10 days after their eads are cut off.

  18. Jon is very stupid - he said so.

  19. Alison returns and Oliver leaves. We vote to close - F., 2, Against 0, Abstentions 1, Spoilt Ballot 1.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1999.

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