Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society Elevenses Meeting held on the 29/01/2000 in Rm 4, 32 Panton Street:
Present : Martin, Mad Jenny, Gina, Richard, Neil, Ben, Owen, Claire, Andrew, Annelies, Rob, Jeremy, Yasmin, Mike, Emily.
Apologies : Peter.
- Ben opens the meeting.
- Vote to censure Sane Jenny for not coming: carried.
- Mad Jenny lives on the tumble dryers at home.
- Apparently Sarah said she would come more often.
- We have a 10 minute conversation on how to use a saucepan with a flower in as a doorstop.
- Rob refuses to tell us about some place names.
- Jeremy doesn't want cake.
- Votes to make the cake a member. F:4, A:3, Ab:4.
- Votes to dismember the cake. F:4 A:3 Ab:4.
- Ben's romantic present to Mad Jenny, a bin.
- Minutes are read by Rob although Ben doesn't care about them.
- We will not minute that .
- Ben's trying to kill Mad Jenny.
- Ben and Mad Jenny are having a lovers tiff like an old married couple.
- Votes to censure Andrew and Jeremy for being spods. F:9, A:0, Ab:2.
- Votes that Andrew and Jeremy should get out more. F:9, A:0, Ab:2.
- Ben has forgotten the play so we censure him for it.
- We decide that we do accept Ben's apology.
- Ben promises to bring the plays next week.
- Claire has got a sun tan. Someone suggests it may be a wind tan, then Andrew suggests an arctan.
- Mad Jenny "Is everybody going to hate me more if I eat this last donut."
Rob "is that possible."
- Ben talks politics.
- Jeremy says "I used to be Prime Minister."
- Owen is Sir Wibbly the Wobbly, a member of the Monster Raving Loony party.
- Rob asks Claire when she last had any exercise.
- Vote to censure Rob for calling Claire fat. Passed.
- Reading: In which Christopher Robin leads an expedition to the north pole."
- We try to engage in group singing but find that we are incompetent.
- Everyone, especially Ben talks through out the reading.
- Ben calls Emily a Darstard.
- Emily wants Jeremy to crush her.
- Where are Ben's pills.
- Ben's made the penguin all sticky.
- Next weeks meeting 10 Fitz street, Rm 9.
- Yasmin apologises for not being here next week.
- Votes to close F:8, A:1, Ab:1.
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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2000.
Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College