Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society elevenses meeting

Held on Saturday 27th January 2007 in 16 Fitzwilliam Street, room 4

Present: Californian Girl of Mystery, Brian, Lukshmi, Lisa & Owen, Alexander Beetle, James who is called Giles to avoid confusion
Apologies: Giles (for being late)

  1. meeting open
  2. No-one has the coasters; they're somewhere
  3. votes to commend Alex for bringing plates: passed
  4. votes to let visitors vote: passed
  5. votes that visitors could vote for past two votes: highly confused
  6. About five years ago, somebody invented the microwave that doesn't start when you push the start button.
  7. Beetle is put forth as secretary (for the AGM) and Jack arrives.
  8. Giving minutes to the secretary is entirely non-traditional.
  9. Is it asleep?
  10. Lisa's identity is gone.
  11. Owen knows how magic boxes work.
  12. Lisa's identity is back, but Brian leaves to make room for it.
  13. votes to censure Ben: 5 for, 2 against, 1 abstention
  14. votes to censure Neil / Dave Henderson, carried
  15. Giles arrives.
  16. Jack is Brian of Nazareth and so is his stalking horse.
  17. The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 20th January, are read.
  18. Council cannot read numbers: carried by overwhelming majority
  19. Jack sits on CGM's lap.
  20. The AGM is on the 17th of February somewhere.
  21. These two to book Peterhouse for Sheila formal.
  22. Alex acting Charlotte [illegible] until AGM: passed
  23. As president, Giles should know. His firm hand is coming down.
  24. We do have a bear as an honorary member, but not all bears are honorary members.
  25. Lisa wants to be Piglet.
  26. There's a lot of precedent for people paying Pooh Levies for others, so Tigger could be under-Tigger.
  27. Lots of people used to be Kanga.
  28. Giles will be in London at the next fresher's fair.
  29. Ed Anderson is incredible in tents.
  30. reading: In Which a House is Built at Pooh Corner for Eeyore
  31. Giles, who is sometimes called James by mistake, changes his reading voice to a more Poohey voice.
  32. Council will host the next meeting.
  33. Lisa is commended by vote for providing Honey Cake.
  34. Council approves of the mysteriousness of the slips.
  35. Giles is the sole member of lots of medical societies.
  36. Giles gets so much random stuff off drugs reps.
  37. Thing and thing have the same delivery mechanism now.
  38. sixth-form girls stalking Giles on the internet
  39. A vote was taken, the details of which have been obscured for reasons of privacy.
  40. votes for all to hail our mysterious Californian overlords: 4 for, 2 against, 2 abstentions
  41. Giles has a special room for stuff, and Council hasn't been allocated a storage cage yet.
  42. "It's six years of doing it and then if I don't like it I can come out angry." - Giles
  43. CGM generally doesn't like killing people: carried
  44. The advantage of Britain over America is that we have cream teas.
  45. What we need is Isambard kingdom Brunel to have invented a steam powered spaceship 150 years ago, then everyone would have handlebar moustache.
  46. Space makes women's breasts explode.
  47. studying at Cambridge makes women's breasts explode: failed
  48. Giles is growing a handlebar moustache: carried
  49. CGM wants to blow up [illegible].
  50. Under no circumstances is anything huge superglued onto Giles before he goes onto [next word could be ship or strip] tomorrow: failed!
  51. "You'd look good in uniform." - Jack, to Anna (and Giles)
  52. Giles' hat had to be specially made.
  53. Lisa consults her diary.
  54. Ceilidh weekends are like buses.
  55. meeting closed by vote.
  56. Lisa and Beetle are committee members for the purposes of booking formal hall tickets and opening meetings.

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© The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2007.

Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College