present: CGM, Beetle
apologies: Jack, Lisa
4:40 | meeting open |
4:42 | while there are still only two members present, any motion that is seconded is automatically passed: carried |
4:51 | GMC is very confused. |
4:52 | Secretary will write down the previous minute: automatically passed |
4:54 | Great confusion arising from Beetle thinking that π comes between 2 and 3. |
100:110001 | new numbering system |
100:111000 | CGM likes peach π. And lemon meringue π. |
101:10 | “That's not how you spell it in the mouth – in other words, pronounce it.” – Beetle |
101:11 | The secretary has an addictive minuting problem: automatically passed |
101:1000 | We wish Lisa to get better, for having the 'flu and for being in London. |
101:10100 | Many things are discussed, including events at Ambiguity, HDTV and crisp flavours. |
101:11011 | We discuss a card game which will remain nameless. |
101:101100 | It's much easier to clean it off the kitchen counter than it is to clean it off Council. |
101:111010 | We move to Small's room (even though Small is not here). |
110:11000 | Beetle should get drunk and forget it: a. passed |
110:101001 | Small's computer censured for not having speakers. |
110:101010 | Beetle suggests that all browsers should use scones instead of cookies, but Council is not sure. |
111:101 | Meeting nearly closed but vetoed by committee because we haven't had a reading yet. |
111:110110 | CGM provides photographic evidence of her Californian prirate boyfriend named Robert, and the secretary writes this down so's he doesn't forget. |
1000-ish | readings: Journey's End and Buckingham Palace |
1000:1001 | reading: Disobedience |
1000:1010 | Beetle has a fabricated memory that J. J. M. M. went and rescued his mother. |
1000:1100 | reading: The Emperor's Rhyme |
1000:10101 | |
1000:11001 | “The internet is for comics.” – Anna |
1000:11011 | Secretary rescues hat from chair. |
1000½ | reading: 1.IV: In which Eeyore Loses a Tail and Pooh Finds One |
1000:101110 | meeting closed by vote |
1000:110010 | The president points out that what we just had was quorate but not a meeting. |