Minutes of the Elevenses Meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society
In which cookies are called cookies and CGM writes with a kife.
Held on Saturday the 31st January 2009 chez Alicia, Jesus.
– Ed, Ignatius, Will, Alicia, James, CGM, Bazil, Roseanna, Elena, Annie, Jack, Carol, Rachel.
- 4.09pm meeting opened.
- Ignatius has sent us another postcard. It is in some form of code.
- CGM calls cookies “cookies”.
- Fish… we are more closely related to some of them than they are to each other.
- Enter Elena.
- Owen has apologised for his absence from this meeting.
- CGM is writing with a knife.
- CGM writes down who wants to be what.
- Enter Annie.
- There were holes in the committee.
- Will is enthusiastic and unsure for what.
- Censure Will for locking James out to die. 9-1-1-0.
- Will says “I’d have brought him back in before he died, out of interest.”
- Not supposed to propose or second two people for the same post. 7-2-1-0.
- Enter Carol.
- Carol has bought coasters.
- Carol has been nominated for President of Poohsoc, as CGM doesn’t trust the other two candidates.
- Pillow fight ensues in the background.
- Alicia could be the Dance Commander.
- Lots of people stand/are stood for posts.
- Carol is standing for the James. 8-1-3-0.
- It’s not a deadly, razor-brimmed hat, it’s just elderly. 7-2-3-1 (It’s a lovely, razor-brimmed hat).
- Last week’s minutes.
- Enter Rachel.
- Some of us enjoyed a relaxing game of Scrabble. To win. In space.
- CGM doesn’t understand why anyone chooses to take their clothes off in public. 9-0-1-0.
- Some people are just European.
- Ignatius explains his hint.
- Reading of OTIV.
- Disney are evil – they made Christopher Robin female.
- Ed is not going to do a headstand.
- Ed reads a poem “The Engineer”.
- They cancelled Monday morning. 6-4-2-0.
- AGM- formal or fancy dress.
- Mandate Elena to tell Alex he is creepy. 7-5-2-0.
- Maybe not. That would be mean.
- Rachel doesn’t want a hint.
- Leprosy is a very general term.
- “I think that’s two c’s” 5-0-3-1 (fcc).
- Close the meeting. 11-0-1-0.
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