Held in O4a, Pembroke College.
Present: Ben, Jon, Vicky, Stephen, Andrew, Anthony, and Charlie (briefly).
Apologies: none. Anthony said Sibylle wouldn’t be there, but refused to give apologies for her.

  1. The minutes of the meeting of the week before last were read, since Jon has finally written them in an unusual burst of efficiency.

  2. Ben informs Jon that Scary Clare (ex of the HQJS, infidel and Roo) has broken up with her boyfriend: Jon tries to hide under the chair.

  3. There is a debate on how “cake” should be read in the minutes: Ben favours the Andrew pronunciation, which has at least three vowels in it, but Jon insists it was written in the traditional Tor-type pronunciation, which is of course, “Cake!”

  4. Vote to censure Andrew, who is reading a gap in Varsity where someone has cut out the article: F., 6 (including Andrew), Ag., 0, Abs., 1; motion carried.

  5. Caroline Skeet arrives to see Toby next door, who after some time emerges only in his boxers. We argue about whether her hairstyle is new or not (we say it is, she says it isn’t), and attempt to entice her in to join us, since she has been to a meeting before.

  6. The minutes of last week’s meeting are read by Vicky.

  7. Anthony produces cake. Jon nearly kills himself doing the proper Tor pronunciation again. The cake is excellent. Ben says he loves Anthony, but feels forced to add that Rob is the only bloke for him really.

  8. Jon reports that he has now done the Sainsbury’s letter, even if it was only sent yesterday. They have now been informed of our disapproval of their normally-priced crumpets. The letter is passed around and appreciated.

  9. Anthony is going red, strangely after the mention of Sibylle and her famous orgy: he blames the tea as is traditional.

  10. The matter of Jon and Vicky at the Gonville Hotel is raised once again. Neither will satisfactorily explain why they were there. Vicky says: “I thought I’d show Jon a good time,” and adds, “I think he was satisfied...”

  11. Anthony produces more food: in fact, six assorted economy tarts which he has been keeping in his drawer! We propose a vote of thanks for the spread: F., 6, Ag., 0, Abs., 2; motion carried.

  12. Jon explains that Gemma, appearing in last week’s minutes as herself, is a “co-denizen of myself and Vicky.”

  13. Vicky can laugh without it hurting!

  14. Charlie turns up, by accident, and is very red-faced and apologetic.

  15. Anthony announces the results of the Poohsticks match: Rob gets the gold medal, Anthony the silver, and Andrew the bronze, with an improbably huge stick.

  16. Ben is listening to his camera. He claims he thought it was a radio.

  17. Rob has forgotten the sticker book for the second week running! A vote of censure is proposed, but we get distracted before it is taken, so he escapes.

  18. Rob and Vicky have a conversation about the way they wear their watches, on the underside of the wrist. Andrew says that the last time they had this conversation it got onto the matter of Sibylle’s rubber fetishes, but it turns out not to be so. This embarrasses Andrew rather.

  19. Vicky departs, having escaped before the reading, so that we don’t know she didn’t bring the Testaments.

  20. Rob calls Ben a “jammy dodger” for stealing the last tart.

  21. Anthony gives us an Overland Poohsticks report: the recipient has to date received three plants, four balloons and a singing Christmas card, since the game began, but unfortunately none of these were from us. The winner is yet to be announced, therefore. The game will end next Saturday.

  22. Somebody ripped Anthony’s trousers last night in his dreams. Ben also has ripped trousers, but thankfully the damage to his groin has been sewn up.

  23. The Reading is: “In Which it is Shown that Tiggers don’t Climb Trees”. It is read in a circuit, with Rob starting and finishing.

  24. It is noted that Pooh got stuck in Rabbit’s front door whilst coming out...

  25. Charlie departs because someone called Josie has turned up.

  26. “And you can sit on my back, and watch me!”

  27. Rob’s suspect cough returns!

  28. Christopher Robin’s blue braces overexcited Piglet! The Society is agog at such blatancy.

  29. “I’m coming, Christopher Robin!” (Roo).

  30. Anthony explains the truth of the Biblical phrase about the camel passing through the eye of a needle for us. Other suggestions are made, such as (a) shredding the camel and taking it through on a cart, (b) taking a packet of Camels through, (c) a Sopwith Camel, or (d), planing the humps off.

  31. We decide to write a celebrity Poohsticks request to Tom Sharpe. Jon knows someone in Peterhouse who has his address.

  32. The Master’s wife, an Honorary Member of course, is apparently interested in coming to a meeting. This raises the idea of having a meeting in the Master’s Lodge, which would be really good.

  33. Jon is mandated to find Tor about providing us with crash space, should we finally organise our Expotition to the Hundred-Acre Wood. He is also mandated to write to Shirley Pays about setting the Pem and the Pot running so that we can play Poohsticks on Trumpington Street.

  34. We decide it is time to go. Vote to close the Hall of War: F., 1, Ag., 3, Abs., 2; defeated. The Hall of War remains open. Vote to close this meeting: F., 4, Ag., 0, Abs., 2; meeting closed.

Return To Lent 1997

©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1997.

Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College