Held in U9, Pembroke College.
Present: Ben, Jon, Vicky, Andrew, Rob, Alasdair, Claire, Anthony, Sibylle
Apologies: Vicky makes them in the hope that we'll let her leave.

  1. We force Vicky to stay; she has forgotten the Treasury and the Testaments, and is clearly trying to evade censure.

  2. Rob wants to be put down, apparently.

  3. Vicky announces that her mother has put up an icon in their house: Andrew asks what you get if you double-click on it. Some people are beyond help.

  4. Ben's trampoline startles Claire, the new attender.

  5. Ben formally opens the meeting by producing a packet of hot cross buns. He goes to get jam, and arrives with a jar which may be his, or may not; he can't remember whether he ate it or not. This is thus Schrodinger's Jam, or possibly an existentialist preserve. But enough of such intellectual comments.

  6. Alasdair has had a haircut.

  7. Ben offers us all thingies: only Vicky accepts.

  8. The first page of last week's minutes are read by Rob. As he finishes, Sibylle arrives, also with a haircut.

  9. It is noted that Jon has not mailed the person he knows who may have Tom Sharpe's address, or written to Shirley Pays about the Pem and the Pot as mandated. This is filed for censure time.

  10. There are several off-colour allusions to Her Majesty, which the Secretary refuses to record.

  11. Vicky attempts to leave again, but is headed off at the pass.

  12. Motion - that Claire be allowed to vote for the duration of the meeting: F., 7, Ag., 0, Abs., 1; motion carried.

  13. Motion - that Rob be censured for avoiding censure on the matter of the sticker-book last week with malice aforethought, proposed by Jon and seconded by everyone: F. 6, Ag., 1, Abs., 2; motion carried.

  14. Motion - that Jon be censured for not mailing people as above described: F., 4, Ag., 3, Abs., 2; motion carried.

  15. Sibylle is going red before she's had her tea, thus providing a neat control experiment for Anthony who is going red after drinking tea. Surely there can be no connection...

  16. Motion - that Vicky be censured for forgetting vital Society muniments and for trying to disappear early : F., 2, Ag., 4, Abs., 2; motion defeated.

  17. Sibylle: "It hasn't happened yet".

  18. Anthony: "These silly Germans, never get it right."

  19. Motion proposed by Jon that Anthony's name be pronounced with a soft 'th' in meetings henceforth: F., 4, Ag., 3, Abs., 2; motion carried.

  20. Rob has Edwina Currie's daughter in his German Translation classes, he informs us.

  21. A report on the campaign against Sainsbury's: the misguided store is now not only offering crumpets at eight for the price of eight at 39p, but also, as if in ridicule of our protests, twelve for the price of twelve at 53p, as well as (says Rob) changing over to the evil pull-tab cartons for pints of milk. However, we are forced to admit that their Hot Cross Buns are highly commendable, and Jon is mandated to write and ask them to offer them all year round (F., 4, Ag., 2, Abs., 3; carried).

  22. Anthony reports that the Overland Poohsticks match has been a dismal failure and he's calling it to a halt.

  23. Vicky points out that it's now 4:38. She proposes a motion that she be allowed to go now: F., 3, Ag., 3, Abs., 3; motion hung. In the absence of a Christopher Robin, precedent requires that the visitors decide: however, we have none. Ben and Jon therefore rapidly go to find one, and sight Dave Henderson, who votes against: the motion is thus defeated. However, Jon, Ben and Vicky convene an immediate Committee Meeting in the doorway of U staircase, and veto the motion (2/0/1) so that Vicky can go. Any member who wishes to overturn the veto is of course free to request an Extraordinary General Meeting in order to do so.

  24. It is officially noted, amid much lamentation, that Sibylle will not be here next year!

  25. Jon suggests that the biscuit tin has been on Hormone Replacement Therapy since next week (and I cannot for the life of me remember why I said that).

  26. Motion - that Claire be commended for her fine punting: F., 4, Ag., 1, Abs., 2; carried.

  27. Motion - that Angela, who said she would come and bring a fiancé, be censured for not so doing: F., 6, Ag., 1, Abs., 1; motion carried.

  28. The Reading is: "In Which Pooh Goes Visiting and Gets into a Tight Place", read by Anthony.

  29. Gags are cracked about half-Americans at Rob's expense; he had not picked up this snippet of information about his friend Annalise.

  30. Sibylle is reading a maths book: she says she finds it really interesting, and no-one can tell if she is being sarcastic. Either way, it's not Pooh-like. Motion - to confiscate the books: F., 6, Ag., 0, Abs., 1 + 1 spoilt ballot (Sibylle); carried.

  31. Ben tries to get Sibylle to clean his cups.

  32. We carry out the condensed milk test at last; since the evaporated milk pours and the condensed milk doesn't, even Ben has to admit there is a difference, and he will know better next time he provides sandwiches.

  33. Andrew tells us of a supervision of his where room temperature superconductors were being used to preserve hedgehogs. It is nearly as interesting as it sounds.

  34. Ben proposes that we invite Lady Tomkys to our next meeting, which will be specially provided with sanitised minutes by the fabulous ever-talented Secretary. For, 3, Against, 1, Abstentions, 4. Jon will provide cake, Ben crumpets and biscuits, Alasdair a toaster, and Sibylle a teapot. Jon will book the Inner Parlour for the meeting.

  35. Sibylle has not understood a word Andrew has said all meeting.

  36. We compare windows for the proposed Expotition to the Hundred-Acre Wood, and finally settle on the weekend of the 12th and 13th of April as the most possible. Tor's house will be used in Plan A; failing that, we will slog back across London to Ben's house, where those coming from afar may crash.

  37. Vote to close the still-open Hall of War: F., 3, Ag., 2, Abs., 3; the Hall is finally closed. Too silly even for the Poohsoc, it would seem.
    Vote to close this meeting: F., 6, Ag., 0, Abs., 1; meeting closed.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1997.

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