Minutes of the meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie The Pooh Society held in D14 at 4pm on Saturday 24th January 1998

Present: Ben, Rob, Babs, Jenny, Anfoni, Stephen, Alison
Apologies: Vicky, Yasmin, Kirsten, Helen, James

  1. The meeting is opened by the president.

  2. Anfoni arrives slightly late and breathing heavily. All that fast cycling, it gets me going, he comments.

  3. There follows a discussion of the coasters and how they were such a good idea.

  4. Interesting selection of edible stuff thanks to Babs. Ben provided a few Jaffa cakes. Sadly, the jaffa cakes left over from the previous meeting had been eaten by the secretary.

  5. Granny mumbles something about physics practicals and how he has positioned himself to obtain a rear view of Babs for 4 hours.

  6. Bungee jumping discussion follows, as we observe the French poster on Babs wall.

  7. We get the computer going and Granny reads the minutes from the 10th January.

  8. Dave Henderson was mentioned by Andrew completely randomly.

  9. Possibly because it was in the minutes.

  10. Wigan Johnny is the short cute one, Ben kindly points out.

  11. Rob reads last weeks minutes, just about.

  12. Granny discusses railways with regard to Oxford and Cambridge and the definition of up used by British Rail.

  13. We complain that the Post Office have failed to issue Pooh stamps, at least not recently. Someone suggests censuring them, but this never gets to a vote.

  14. Ben looks up something in the constitution.

  15. We run through the list of honorary members. No one really understands why Ben Grindley is on the list.

  16. The AGM is coming up: who is going to fill all the posts. We are slightly disturbed by the lack of first year regular attenders.

  17. Vote to censure Tony for not apologising, not organising games of Poohsticks. In fact, vote to strip Tony  F4 A5 A2.

  18. Motion is defeated, which is unfortunate because Jenny had been very eager to strip Tony.

  19. Vote to make Tony the stick in a game of Poohsticks  F3 A5 A0. Defeated again, and this would have made quite an interesting game too.

  20. We vote again to censure Tony F7 A1 A0. At last!

  21. What is wrong with Tony, we ponder. Probably because hes a ginger, a natural ginger suggests Rob.

  22. This leads on to Rob Smith, another ginger. Clearly there is something strange about ginger people.

  23. Vote to open the Jaffa Cakes F5 A0 A3. Ben opens the Jaffa Cakes.

  24. We now digress to a discussion of the Titanic, some film about a large ship. It supposed to be shit but its actually brilliant.

  25. Vote to ignore Rob F6 A1 A1. Rob did not exist for the rest of the meeting, though we did catch Ben talking to himself a few times.

  26. Babs  begins to complain about her unfortunate name, so we vote to rename her as Mildred, or Milly for short  F5 A1 A1.

  27. Should we have a reading? Perhaps not for Ben observes books mysteriously flying around the room. Then we realise that it must have been something in the tea.

  28. Dave Henderson gets mentioned for no apparent reason.

  29. There is a discussion of Pooh propaganda. Because of the lack of first years and the forthcoming A.G.M., we decide to begin a publicity campaign. This would involve placing posters around college with P.B.A.M. written on them. The alternative P.S. was not to be recommended. Hopefully the slightly subtle and mysterious nature of the poster campaign will entice newcomers into joining the society.

  30. Finally we manage to do a reading, In which Tigger comes to the forest and has breakfast.

  31. We are shocked to see Tony arrive.

  32. Shortly afterwards, James also makes an appearance, red hot and flustered.

  33. You dont know how I fill up my kettle, James comments as he excitedly runs off to obtain some more water. Nothing gives him greater pleasure than the filling of a kettle.

  34. The presence of James reminds us of the traumatisation of James Hocking, an unfortunate affair which the society deeply regrets.

  35. James calves hurt  just because just because...    But where is he hiding his cows?

  36. Sheila (spit) are apparently doing some strange things this term, not that this is unusual. We contemplate the possibility of spying on them again.

  37. Ben sent off the letter to Microsoft today. Some people find this hard to believe, but its true. Will we get a reply?

  38. Vegemite has been removed from the shelves of  Sainsburys even though its an excellent hangover cure. James comments that the Australian stuff is much better anyway.

  39. If the vege of Vegemite is supposed to conjure up the concept of a vegetable, then what is the meaning of the mar of Marmite? No one has any ideas on this.

  40. James is now slapping himself. A bit of a slapper, indeed.

  41. Vote to censure Ben for being sexist  F2 A2 A5.  Again the motion is hung. No one bothers to get a visitor.

  42.   There is discussion of a Greek poster on Millys wall. Anthony and James converse about Greek. The society is temporarily renamed GreekSoc for about five minutes.

  43. Vote to close the meeting  F4 A3 A0. Meeting is finally closed.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1998.

Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College