Minutes of the Elevenses Meeting of 20/03/99

Held in B3, Pembroke College.
Present: Ben, Jon, Kirsten, Micheal, Granny, Richard
Apologies: none (very poor!)
Guests: Gina

  1. Shamal Ratnayaka, whose pound we embezzled all those years ago, is apparently in town: we vote to invite him, F. 3, Ag., 1, Abs., 2; carried. Ben dashes off an e-mail.

  2. Sadly there are no Emilies present. This is the first meeting without one for three weeks, and we feel the lack severely.

  3. Micheal reads the minutes of last week's meeting.

  4. Micheal claims he is contact-pregnant (I'm sure you don't catch it that way - well not quite), but the remark is lost in the apparent multiplication of Poohsoc T-shirts going on in Ben's best and (I would guess) only Cambridge room.1 We debate sending a spare one to the Queen.

  5. The Queen Mother is discussed - given her overdraft problem we think we probably ought to make her an honorary member too, since she clearly can't afford the membership fee.

  6. Richard demonstrates how to sing 'Jenny Loves Jeremy' bel canto.

  7. Ben mentions Rasputin the Mad Milk Pudding, for the benefit of those who know what he's talking about, of whom, of I should like to point out, I was not one.

  8. Apparently Rob, our beloved Rabbit-Out-of-Residence, has been outed. This comes as news to Jon. Richard is intrigued but claims only to be able to remember Rob's ears.

  9. Masons at Merchant Taylors are discussed as Jon and Ben get dangerously Old School.

  10. Micheal has a quick contraction, just to worry Jon.

  11. Anthony starts up a speech about C. U. F. C.'s lesbian football team; startlingly he appears to be right about them.

  12. Kirsten brings Brian's tongue into the conversation but miraculously avoids being censured.

  13. Jenny's appalling time-delay pun goes off.

  14. Vote to commend Jenny's minutes, F., 4, Ag., 0, Abs., 1, spoilt ballots 1; carried.

  15. Ben has to make more tea: we choose the tricky one.

  16. There is a debate on how to mathematically find the horizon.

  17. "Ben, you fill your teapot up far too high" (Micheal).

  18. Kirsten wants to go fishing behind Granny, but Micheal tells her to wait her turn.

  19. Ben's mum sends her love to all.

  20. The reading is, "In Which Piglet meets a Heffalump". Gina plays the heffalump.

  21. Kirsten asks about heffalumps in Derbyshire and wallabies everywhere.

  22. Jon brings the spirit of Dave Henderson into the meeting. Photoes of him are found on the web.

  23. We debate artificial insemination using a centrifuge.

  24. Next week's meeting will be held in R4; Richard apologises on account of a wedding.

  25. Vote to close: F., 3, Ag., 2, Abs., 1; closed.

  1. I stole this gag from Dave Chaplin. Sorry.

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