Extraordinary Elevenses Meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society
In which we consider punting to Venice.
Held on Tuesday 29th September in Roseanna's Room, Newnham.
Present: Carol, Alicia, Matt, Will, Roseanna, James via msn.
- 4.32pm – meeting opened.
- We discuss plurals: formulas, cannon and lemma.
- The ood-kitty may be called The Mister Cles.
- Will reads Ignatius’ postcard. Quietly. To himself.
- There are marmite-biscuits of win.
- Alicia is shocked and appalled at Matt and Roseanna’s being on Twitter.
- James says “hey” via the internet.
- Philology ≠ phrenology.
- “What’s James wearing on his head?”
“A small toy poodle.”
“That’s better than anything I could have imagined.” - We read OTVII.
- A valuable lesson about xenophobia – the foreigners will get their revenge.
- Ed (Ignatius) has superpowers. 3-1-1-0.
- Alicia talks about creepy, old men.
- Discussion of punting to Venice, possibly via yacht.
- Will is good at emphatically telling people things.
- Will only now notices that the bottom of his trousers are ragged.
- Close. General acclamation.
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