Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society Extra-constitutional Meeting held on Sunday 01/10/2000 in Rm 6, 10 Selwyn Gardens

Present : Martin, Richard, Owen, Claire, Jenny, Gina.

  1. The meeting is opened after we give up waiting for Jenny to turn up. Jenny then arrives 30 seconds later.

  2. Ben is good at walking his dog.

  3. "If it had legs it would be enormous"- Jenny

  4. It appears the above was about Ben's dog, though this still leaves several members of the society very confused.

  5. Joy is not very Indian comments a random member of the society.

  6. Stuart is neither a member or a non-member.

  7. Jenny tries to claim its nearly the end of the month (for those reading these minutes who have already forgotten, or just didn’t bother about it, the date is the first of October)

  8. We comment on college children and Claire’s absolute failure as a parent.

  9. We discuss what we all did over the summer.

  10. It appears Claire worked at McDonalds (though if I made any link between this and going to Homerton I don't think I would survive much longer.)

  11. Jenny reads the minutes from 22/06/00 (the one after Formal Hall).

  12. The old email list still hasn't been cancelled.

  13. Owen reads the minutes from 24/06/00 from the computer.

  14. I am censured for every Poohsoc meeting that I still don't own copies of the testaments for.

  15. Next week there will be a freshers squash 2-3:30pm, to give the freshers a chance to meet the committee. There will then be a normal meeting at 4pm, both of these will be in O10.

  16. We will have a stall at the freshers fair though we don't know when it is at all. (We actually found out when it was 20 mins before it started which is actually better than most societies did)

  17. We can buy biscuits for the freshers fair using the societies money.

  18. We set the Pooh levy to be £1 again this year and last years membership will run out on 21st October.

  19. Owen suggests a freshers formal hall, Martin suggests Tuesday 3rd as a way of getting the freshers to turn up (It was Matriculation dinner that night), but we eventually decide on Tuesday 10th after Claire says she definitely can't make that night.

  20. Rob took Jenny out clubbing.

  21. Reading: In which Eeyore looses a tail and Pooh finds one.

  22. Video recorders are discussed, though quite why I can’t remember.

  23. We wonder what last years members are up to.

  24. We then vote to close the meeting.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2000.

Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College