Present: Richard, Owen, Martin, Debbie, Neil
n+16. Owen opens next week's meeting. As Martin has to minute next weeks meeting, Owen continues to minute this weeks.
n+17. Next week's meeting is in AA20 (surprisingly).
n+18. Neil arrives and is confused as to why there are two sets of minutes being written.
n+19. Tom leaving clothing behind.
n+20. Neil claims Emmanuel's Formal Hall is better than Pembroke's. This immediately sparks controvasy amongst the members present. Neil admits the comment was made through loyality to his college. We wonder whether members of Cauis would make a similar claim.
n+21. Neil has stolen Richard's testaments.
n+22. Motions are specifically from next week unless they are specifically from this week. F:4 A:1 Ab:0 - carried
n+23. Are pocket watches sexist?
n+24. Owen reveils the post. It is a copy of "Poeh Woordenboek" by A.R. Melrose 'mit illustraties van E.H. Shepard'. On the cover is a post-it note which reads 'Pembroke College Winnie The Pooh Society &/Or Lady Tomkys'. Closer investigation reveals it to be a Winnie-The-Pooh Dictionary in Dutch!!! Perhaps Peteryan would be able to read it. Without any clue as to who sent it we examine the postmark - 'Tonbridge, Kent'.
n+25. Janneman Robinson
n+26. Martin attempts translation by word length & hyphen position.
n+27. Why are the first and last lines of 'Tingele-Klingele-Bingele-Bel' different?
Een vlieg vogelt niet, maar een vogel vliegt wel
Geef mij een raadsel en mijn antwoord zal zijn:
n+28. Mustard
n+29. Debbie pays her Pooh Levy, but has to rush off.
n+30. We discuss whether Benedict looks like Jon. We decide that you could not mistake Benedict for Jon as he is smaller.
n+31. That
n+32. The meeting the week after next will be in Z7, Emmanuel College, Cambridge which is in North Court accessed via a subway. We decide to meet at 3.55 by the back gate.
n+33. Neil has teabags, but no kettle
n+34. Madingley Road apparently got lost in Robinson.
n+35. Votes to close F:3 A:1 Ab:0 - carried