Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society Elevenses Meeting held on the 24/11/2001 in 94 Edgecombe, Cambridge.
Present : Owen, Martin, Neil, Debbie, Richard, Rosie
Apologies : Richard, Debbie to the biscuit, Andrew, Neil (for being here)
- That’s where they are moving the biochem department to: Failed
- Owen opens the meeting (we are just on our way there)
- Something
- This is the authoritative meeting: Passed
- They are moving the biochem department to the library.
- Lecture forms
- They are stealing our boat: Passed
- Fitzbillies should cover Martin’s doors so he can’t get out: Failed
- We should take the traffic light: Failed
- Votes that we shouldn’t go to Sainsburies now: Passed
- Tea is more civilised than grape juice: Hung, Visitor decides for.
- Vote to censure Andrew for not being here: Passed
- One ends the ice cream the others the stick: Failed
- I’m sure there’s more that were failed: Passed
- Neil’s going to show Richard how to do it.
- Votes that we shouldn’t throw the plates around: Failed
- Votes to write a letter to the box: Passed
- Neil’s out of practice.
- "There’s times when I have done it in 20 secs" - Neil
- There should be one more
- Votes that we are not allowed to attack the cake: Hung visitor decides against
- It’s not the door it’s Rosie.
- Age restrictions on toys are legally binding: Passed
- It was deliberately badly worded
- It doesn’t go the most direct route because its a bus: Passed
- Votes to make Rosie a visitor for the duration of this meeting: Passed
- "Christopher Robin is a he"- Rosie
- Votes that we are not allowed to attack the cake: Hung vis decides against
- Votes that my printer has run out of ink: Passed
- Rosie reads the minutes from poohsoc meeting on 17/11/01
- Rosie should blow up Pembroke: Failed
- Some one can whistle: Passed
- Debbie tied Richard to the chair: Passed
- Richard is being restrained: Passed
- Rosie’s voice manages to activate the keyring that tells you where it is when you whistle.
- Debbie can throw the keyring out: Failed (but she does anyway)
- Do we want Debbie to go and get it back: Failed
- Reading: In which Christopher Robin gives a Pooh party and we say goodbye
- Votes to commend Rosie for good hiccuping sounds: Passed
- "I’ll let you deal with the hole" Owen to Debbie
- Next weeks meeting Rm. 2, 52 Trumpington Street
- Owen’s birthday on Thursday
- Neil is going to eat the rest of the cake: Hung vis decides for
- Barbados
- We all have to bring a sword when we go to next weeks meeting: Passed
- "I’m not hungry so I’m not going to have any tea"
- Votes to close: Passed
- Debbie donates her house to the society
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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2001.
Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College