Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society Extraordinary General Meeting, held on the 15th November 2003 at The Inner Parlour, Pembroke College and in Room 1, 3 Selwyn Gardens
Present: Alison, Chess, Dunstan, Edith, Jack, Jonathan, John-h, Katie, Martin, Naath, Neil, Owen, Rachel C, Rachel H, Rosy, Roz, Tom
- The meeting is opened.
- Votes to commend Naath for bringing cakes: passed
- Its never too early to censure Neil: passed
- We decide, given that various members are expected to arrive late, to do elevenses type stuff first and to do elections last.
- We’re generally extraordinary.
- Votes to censure them for talking about non-Pooh related material: passed
- Is this going to work all meeting?: failed
- Owen is the evil witch from the gingerbread house: passed
- Votes to censure North Korea for making instant tea: passed
- Votes to censure North Korea for not providing a very good plot for the most recent Bond Film: passed
- Votes to censure ourselves for talking about non-Pooh related material.
- Last week’s minutes are read by Alison and Jack.
- Votes to make Ben Parker an honorary member: passed
- Votes not to tell him: passed
- Votes to censure Naath for not making Tom go and stand in the corner: passed
- Geh: passed
- If Katie died from eating the cake we would be upset, but if she died from other reasons then that would be fine: passed
- If Naath...?
- Votes to censure Tom for putting the minutes in context: failed
- Votes to censure Tom for putting the minutes in context: passed
- Votes to censure Neil for double jeopardy: passed
- These were not Michelle’s real ears: passed
- Minute n+49 from last week’s meeting is vetoed.
- Votes to censure Neil for incredulity: passed
- Votes to make Jack the new Neil: passed
- Votes to censure Jack and Neil for making life confusing: passed
- I am the Jess, whether I say `with regards to temporary posts’ in time or not: failed
- The final Winnie-the-Pooh story will never get read: failed
- We really did close last week’s meeting: passed
- Let’s not: failed
- Votes to make Jack...blah blah blah: passed
- The `blah’ does not suggest sincerity: passed
- That’s what happens when the Treasurer stands down.
- We should save some cakes for Roz and Dunstan: passed
- The ability to withdraw motions is becoming a nuisance. It spoils all the fun.
- We can primitively censure all four candidates for treasurer: passed
- Votes primitively to censure all four candidates for treasurer: passed
- Votes assimilate Neil: passed
- We have a skipping race round Ivy Court to decide the presidency.
- 1st contested veto (Owen has to open the box): Overturned
- 2nd contested veto (How can you possibly vote for the mint?): upheld
- 3rd contested veto(witch-burning in case of Neil being pushed in the Cam): upheld
- 4th contested veto (If anyone puts Neil into the Cam in order to make him lie face down in it and shout "I'm okay", then they are to be tied up and thrown in (something) and if they sink we'll let them off, but if they float we'll burn them as a witch): overturned
- Votes to censure Owen for not wearing a silly pink hat: passed
- 5th contested veto (Votes that anyone Reading Roo or Kanga must bounce up and down while reading): upheld
- 6th contested veto (In all future meetings the President shall have to wear a silly pink hat (whether present or not): overturned
- 7th contested veto (Censure Owen for not wearing a silly pink hat, assuming he isn't.): overturned
- 8th contested veto (‘n+8’ (There shall be a position called the Jack, whom (who?) for all purposes of quorum and sufficient votes for invoking constitutional motions, if the vote for be the majority, shall count as people) was not proposed and voted on earlier in the meeting as it presently (i.e. at the time of writing, but no longer) appears, but now): overturned
- 9th contested veto (Every third meeting after this one, every other word of Harry Potter shall have been written by A. A. Milne): upheld
- 10th contested veto (You're sitting next to the role-playing society; if you try hard enough you can persuade them to second anything): overturned
- 11th contested veto (Biscuits within the precincts of Great Saint Mary's are members of the university): upheld
- 12th contested veto (I love Katy because she's beautiful): overturned
- 13th contested veto (And no motions shall henceforth change the time, date, or place of a meeting, identity of a person, meaning of common words used in the constitution, or define anything other than human to be a member of the university): upheld
- I am so screwed: failed
- Votes to censure Owen: passed
- The Captain of Poohsticks makes a Poohsticks related announcement.
- We have a sample from The House at from Pooh Corner.
- Votes to commend the captain of poohsticks for her hard work and poohsticks related party: Passed
- Huzzah!: Passed
- The veto from minute 23 is contested and the veto is overturned
- Dunstan and Roz arrive.
- Votes to censure Neil for continuing to talk: Passed
- Presidential election ... hopefully unlike those held in Florida.
- Neil realises he can turn down posts and so resigns as John-h.
- Edith’s vote is not good enough for Martin: Passed
- Edith eats the last mouse that I’d been politely not eating for the last 1½ hours. Grrrr.
- Votes for President: 1st Martin, 2nd Rosy. Martin declines the honour and so ROSY IS THE NEW POOHSOC PRESIDENT!
- Various attempts are made to censure Neil, but as I was too busy recording who is president, I’m going to assume they failed.
- Make Martin hust first: Passed
- Votes to censure Owen for calling a motion: Passed
- It’s an advantage that John Prescott isn’t here: Passed
- Treasurer hustings.
- Martin is a Green Party candidate: Passed
- We can make Martin green: Passed
- Motion to censure Owen’s last pun "He excels at excel": Passed
- Before we announce the results we get a lecture on the accounts from Neil: Passed
- Vote for John-h or he’ll hit you with a stick
- Be careful what you do with your stick: Passed
- Katie husts.
- We have too many over qualified candidates: Passed
- Katie should dormouse on Neil rather than rat: Passed
- Naath husting. She is number 39
- The Sci-fi Society has more money than we do although neither amount is known.
- Naath is responsible for a countable number of Microsoft problems: Passed
- Votes to censure Naath: Passed
- The will of the society is important: Failed
- We should make Martin work harder so he can stand at the AGM.
- Votes for Treasurer: 1st Katie, 2nd Naath, so KATIE IS THE NEW TRESURER
- Votes to censure Roy for forgetfulness: Passed I think just about.
- Neil will go cheque hunting
- The treasurer is a financial genius: Passed
- Votes to commend Neil for making £300 as Treasurer: Passed
- Votes to commend Neil for gouging more out of the members: Passed
- Votes to make the nominees go away and not come back: Passed and vetoed. - didn’t we find we couldn’t veto in an EGM?
- Secretary hustings.
- Edith plays with John-h’s stick.
- (Opps. 95,96,97 don’t seems to exist)
- (passed outside the door) Votes to censure John-h’s husting for being too loud: Passed
- "I’m offering you me!" Edith
- Vote of no confidence in the James: Passed
- Votes for Secretary: 1st Dunstan, joint 2nd Edith, Rachel C so, DUNSTAN IS THE NEW SECRETARY
- Votes to mandate the new Secretary to whip the Foreign secretary: Passed
- Pooh hustings.
- "Have you ever got stuck in Rabbit’s hole?" John-h to Edith
- "How susceptible are you to concussion from being banged down the stairs?" Rachel C to Rosy
- "As Pooh I’d have a special relationship with Christopher Robin" Neil
- Votes to censure Neil: Passed
- Votes for Pooh: 1st Edith, 2nd Rosy
- Quick hustings for Foreign Secretary as it’s 6.50.
- Votes for foreign secretary 1st Rachel C, 2nd John-h RACHEL C IS THE FOREIGN SECRETARY
- Votes to censure Naath: Passed
- (Oops, again) Hustings for Kanga and Wol.
- Just in case it hasn’t been recorded: Alison resigns as coastguard on the grounds of incompetence.
- Votes for Wol: 1st Neil, 2nd Chess
- Votes for Kanga 1st Ron, 2nd Neil
- Votes for The James: 1st Jack, 2nd Naath
- The Home Secretary will die.
- We adjourn to Room 1
- Votes to censure Neil: hung (Christopher Robin distains even to comment).
- The fire bell rings repeatedly
- If people second everything, some poor sod has to write it all down: passed
- The bells, the bells. He comes, he comes!
- We are going to write to the city council, requesting that they replace all the pubs with tea rooms selling nice cakes and things like that: passed
- Let’s lock them out. Aha!: passed
- Alison is quite happy to excite feral members pf the society: passed
- Votes to censure the candle wax for attacking Rachel’s gown: passed
- Every sentence is worse if you overhear it: passed
- Jon split oo-er on the carpet - oo-er: passed
- Pretending to be a chair is Neil’s greatest strength: passed
- "It needs a slit halfway up it" - Jack
- "I’ve never drunk a drop, I’m a zombie" - Neil
- Butternut soup is consumed and enjoyed.
- Alison would rather be captured and eaten by a giant squid than be talked at by...
- One can cuddle almost anything.
- Votes to mandate John-h to cuddle Martin before the end of the meeting: passed
- Votes to close: failed
- Everyone is careful not to mention what everyone else is getting up to in the kitchen.
- Everyone looks at Chess, who is sitting on Neil’s lap, before looking away again quickly.
- "There’s a fair amount of giggling going on in that corner" - Alison
- "None of it from me, though" - Neil
- Votes to censure Jack for not wearing a gown: passed
- Votes to censure everyone who is not wearing a gown for not wearing a gown and to censure people who go to colleges that do not have gowns: passed.
- Erm...: failed
- Votes to censure Jack for not abstaining: passed
- `I don’t have any pants on’ - Alison: hung. Christopher Robin wishes to check.
- Various suggestions are made about Martin, including the prospect that he might stuff his blowpipe through the hole in Alison’s wall in order to ascertain her preferences for undergarments.
- Neil looks perplexed.
- We should censure ourselves for talking about non-Pooh related material.
- That should be amended to refer only to those who were talking about non-Pooh related material.
- John-h abandons the minutes to collect his din-dins.
- John-h sits on his cutlery.
- Owen finds the missing link.
- Martin can juggle two small babies in one hand.
- Neil mentions prostitution without being oo-ered.
- We’ll have the whole committee on the sofa in a pyramid: passed
- Mr Constitution speaks at some length about the previous motion and uses the words `Secretary’, `President’ and `Committee veto’ many times.
- Minute152 is vetoed. This is then contested by Owen.
- We vote on the contested motion: hung - Christopher Robin rolls some dice: `The first one says that it is 50 / 50’ then `call a meeting’ then `forget it’ - Christopher Robin decides against.
- Rachel C and John-h continue to exchange..
- Dunstan can get four breasts on the sofa.
- Votes to censure John-h for deliberately mishearing Dunstan: passed
- `Hello, can I have the minutes please’ - Dunstan
- `Yes, certainly’ - John-h
- Alison is cheating tomorrow, but not tonight. Alas. Alack.
- Pass a lot of silly motions to put him through his paces: Passed
- Neil languidly reclines while Dunstan stands imposingly over him, gown outstretched, fangs dripping blood while a large menacing grin spreads across his beautiful face: Passed
- Votes to commend Alison for recording the above whilst holding a bowl of salad: Passed
- 164 is the last John-h statement I’m minuting: Passed
- Martin is simultaneously hugged by Roz, Katie and John-h. Edith chases after him as he feels left out.
- How to whistle. "Pretend you’re above to kiss and open your lips a fraction more."
- Alison can’t get it to work either sucking or blowing. John-h, Edith, Katie and Rachel C demonstrate how it’s done.
- "I think I prefer the fire alarm" Jack
- Owen proves Pythagoras whilst Neil, Jack and Alison try and solve Fermat’s last theorem. Mathmo’s; the life of the party
- The Fire Alarm!
- And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid.
- Neil, The finite falling ladder:
Minutes 177-181 coming soon...
- I will be merciful and not minute Martin’s response to this which.
- "I wrap myself in Clingfilm and sweet profusely as part of my weight lose regime" Neil
- John-h asks Martin to threaten him.
- Alison passes Martin’s water to Neil.
- Edith proceeds to poke Naath to find out which bits are soft and which are hard.
- "That’s what you went home for!" Neil
- "Yes with Martin. And Rob. And Rob’s girlfriend." Alison
- We’re definitely not minuting something.
- A red wine tye-dyed handkerchief.
- Everyone’s in the kitchen as Owen’s so popular: Passed
- I am Kazakhstan (spelt jplomn): Hung, CR whatever
- Owen is no longer president so we should all dessert: Passed
- Jack extends: Failed
- Votes to censure Martin: Spoilt
- Votes to censure Martin’s Uncle Martin: Passed
- Censuring is a form of affection: Passed
- Votes to censure Neil in an affectionate way: Failed
- "Can I have jack covered in whipped cream?" John-h
- Children’s emotional responses to mathematical problems: ARGHHHHHHHH!
- Votes to censure all those talking non-Pooh related material by saying "niee!": Passed
- Alison has covered Dunstan’s pen in cream.
- From now on anything that looks like an advance is actually a retreat: Passed
- The people who are at a meeting are allowed to get the joke but anyone who wasn’t there shouldn’t understand a word: Passed
- "Screw the chair!" Edith
- Martin flashes his blue braces at John-h.
- John-h wouldn’t object if he did it again.
- Port: Passed (to the left of course)
- A toast to Owen, our outgoing glorious leader.
- A toast to all the members he’s presided over.
- "Do you know how to deal with a banana?" Neil
- The Loyal Toast.
- Cottleston Pie is sung.
- Biscuit league hustings: Amoretti v. Pan Stella
- Amoretti: 99 dunks (in wine)
- The date of the AGM shall be determined by the biscuit league: Failed
- Pan Stella: 24 dunks (in wine)
- "Boxes of Amoretti make great pets" Roz
- "It’s ok Neil, I’m feeling it too" Owen
- Your mum’s a tea mug: Failed
- Katie’s dad is a big hairy bear.
- Reading: In which Piglet does a Very Grand Thing.
- The Amoretti win.
- Midnight: Passed
- Reading: Lines and Squares, - Naath
- Reading: The Door Mouse and the Doctor - Naath
- We read just a few poems over and over so we don’t appreciate the whole collection: Hung.
- Reading: At Home - Rachel C
- Votes to censure Dunstan for getting it wrong. The MA gown’s sleeves should be tied behind Alison’s back.
- Washing and crockery is claimed.
- Votes to commend Rachel for drying up: Passed
- Votes to commend Rosy for washing up: Passed
- Votes to commend the cooks: Passed
- "Happy, happy psycho, Edith washing up" Edith
- Next week’s meeting will be held in M5a in Jesus College. Known to some as Rosy’s Room.
- Votes to close (1.20am): passed
Return To Michaelmas 2003
©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2003.
Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College