[Minutes of the PCWtPS Elevenses Meeting Held on Saturday 18th October 2005 in a Supervision Room in Pembroke College, Cambridge.]
Estelle, Giles, Naath, Rosy, R.C. Richard, Katie, Rachelle
Guests: Several people doing laundry
1. Jack is Jack in town and Ernest in the country.
2. Commend Luksmhi for mugs. Passed
3. Commend Katie Rachel for bringing books. Passed.
4. Commend Katie's mum for sending Giles all her mail.
5. Reading, Chapter 1.
6. We need to get HSBC to believe in Jack. Jomsberg do.
7. Katie brings.
8. Next week: BB25
9. You could have got an even smaller one??
10. Week after, poohsticks
11. Giving me the most unpleasant sugar high I've ever had.
12. Fortunately Neil [the [teddy] bear] was waiting outside on Mill Road in white tie *with* me, else I would have felt odd.
13. K: Great big rubber ball *throwing gesture* Bdoing.
R: *hit in face gesture*