Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society extraordinary elevenses meeting

Held on Wednesday 3rd October 2007 in Kelsey Kerridge Sports Hall

present: Lisa, CGM, Beetle
Giles: apologies, Jack, Owen
also present: many, many freshers & other societies

  1. Lisa and CGM both pay £2 Pooh Levy, thus Beetle owes Society £4.
  2. Beetle pay CGM £4 on Society's behalf, in recuperation for biscuits, and thus no longer owes anything.
  3. Beetle pays himself £2 PL, and thus owes the Society the same amount.
  4. Ignore all the stuff we're supposed to do, except taking minutes: 2-1; carried*
  5. Beetle pays CGM 70p on the Society's behalf, and now owes the Society £1.30.  [I made this transfer yesterday or the day before, so it should go in tomorrow or the day after – secretary & Charlotte, night of 7/8 October]
  6. Anna donates 1p to the Society by way of Jaffaridge.
  7. Lisa should stand up to read Lines and Squares: 2-1; carried
  8. Lisa reads Lines and Squares.
  9. meeting closed 3-0
  10. After Lisa and MGC go away to do the internets, Legs puts Lisa's mobile in his panier to reduce chances of nickerage.
  11. Capt. Chocoholixxs arrives and feeds us chocolate.
  12. Biscuits get soggy and cakes get dry.  Thus Jaffa Cakes are cakes (again).
  13. See 11.

* requires a ⅔ majority

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