Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society extraordinary elevenses meeting
Held on Wednesday 3rd October 2007 in Kelsey Kerridge Sports Hall
present: Lisa, CGM, Beetle
Giles: apologies, Jack, Owen
also present: many, many freshers & other societies
- Lisa and CGM both pay £2 Pooh Levy, thus Beetle owes Society £4.
- Beetle pay CGM £4 on Society's behalf, in recuperation for biscuits, and thus no longer owes anything.
- Beetle pays himself £2 PL, and thus owes the Society the same amount.
- Ignore all the stuff we're supposed to do, except taking minutes: 2-1; carried*
- Beetle pays CGM 70p on the Society's behalf, and now owes the
Society £1.30. [I made this transfer yesterday or the day
before, so it should go in tomorrow or the day after –
secretary & Charlotte, night of 7/8 October]
- Anna donates 1p to the Society by way of Jaffaridge.
- Lisa should stand up to read Lines and Squares: 2-1; carried
- Lisa reads Lines and Squares.
- meeting closed 3-0
- After Lisa and MGC go away to do the internets, Legs puts Lisa's mobile in his panier to reduce chances of nickerage.
- Capt. Chocoholixxs arrives and feeds us chocolate.
- Biscuits get soggy and cakes get dry. Thus Jaffa Cakes are cakes (again).
- See 11.
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