Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society freshers' squash

Held on 6th October 2007 in 39 Trumpington St, room 2

Meeting 1

present: see minutes 12, 16 and 40

  1. Meeting opened
  2. Andy is no longer in China – why is he not here taking minutes?
  3. We are here because we have nothing better to do.
  4. We will be organised in a minute
    for: 0; against: 2; abstentions: 2; failed
  5. votes to let visitors vote: 4-0-0; caried
  6. People keep entering.  [Oo-er – Charlotte]
  7. Cake is opened.
  8. Help!  Too many people!
  9. “There are quite a few knives, take as many as you want.” – James (not the James, who is not here)
  10. CGM is rather proud of her extraneous titles.
  11. We should go around the room and introduce ourselves: 8-1-5; carried
  12. present: David Smith, Alexander (Beetle), Jack V., Anthea, Jane, Charlotte [again, not the Charlotte – the Charlotte], Malte, Grace, Rob C., Owen Barritt and the Californian General Medical Council of Mystery.
  13. Oh, and Lisa.
  14. Anthea should be Anthea for today: vaguely carried, I think.
  15. “That way!  NO, NOT THAT FAR THAT WAY!” – Alex
  16. more present: Ed, and the invisible person Andrea
  17. David reads the letter from Big Brother.
  18. Owen reads the minutes from 9/6/07.
  19. Alex has to take half of this and then pass it on: 6-3-2-1; carried, with 1 dragon
    (The shorthand here means 6 for, 3 against, 2 abstentions and 1 spoil.)
  20. reading: Introduction and 1.I: In which We are introduced to Winnie-the-Pooh and some Bees, and the Stories begin
  21. Jack could throw me out of a tree if I like: 10-2-1; carried
  22. We shouldn't spend our time looking for this tree: 10-1; carried
  23. The voting stack is first in, last out: 4-4; rejected by CR
  24. Mandate those three people to go and find that specific tree: 3-6-1; failed
  25. We should get back to reading: 5-4-1; carried
  26. The list of votes that have been seconded but haven't been had yet is a stack rather than a queue: 5-2-1; carried
  27. We are allowed to vote on voting: 5-5-1; rejected by CR
  28. We should get on with the reading without the voting about it: 6-2-2; carried
  29. Commend Rob for offering his room for the next meeting: 4-1-0-3; carried
  30. Jack may not second “the secretary is busy writing down the last fifteen hundred motions:” 5-0-2-1; failed because it involves a temporary suspension of the constitution, which requires a ⅔ majority, and there are 9 people who can vote present.
  31. Andy isn't in China, but we don't know where he is: 7-0-1-1; carried
  32. Anna hasn't tried adding me as a thing harder.
  33. Beetle can sing reasonably well: 4-0-3; carried
  34. Alex is catching up, so we should be quicker: 6-1-1; carried
  35. Commend Anna on her pronounciation of ‘Tuesday’: 7-0-1; carrried
  36. Jack does not generally believe in vowels.
  37. The secretary has tea: 6-1-1-1; carried, with 1 archivist
  38. We should have a vote where nobody votes, abstains or spoils to see what happens: 0-0-1-0; abstained
  39. We could do if we want: 0-0-0-3; pandas, dragons, etc.
  40. also present: Ben's business card
  41. It would be difficult for Jack to remove France from Anna's shoulders.
  42. People are looking at us.
  43. Beetle explains to us how to break in through his window.
  44. Mandate James to donate £3 billion to The Society: 1-2-0-3; failed
  45. We should close the meeting so that I will have a finite list of things to write down: 7-0-1; carried
  46. hence, meeting closed
  47. The next meeting will be at Rob's place: room 7, Little St Mary's Hostel, Little St Mary's Lane.
  48. Rob didn't know that Alex had jugs.
  49. Lisa and Owen apologise for not being able to be at next week's meeting.

Explanation of names:

Alex = Beetle = secretary = Legs
Anna = CGM = GMC etc.
Owen = CR

Meeting 2

present: Jack, CGM, Lisa, Owen & Rob

  1. Votes to make Alex Beetle an honourary member of the society, 5-0-0.
  2. Votes to close 5-0-0.
  3. Though come to think of it, we didn't vote that visitors could vote, so the votes should probably have been 4-0-0-1 instead.

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