Minutes of Elevenses Meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society
In which we consider lesbianism in vocab tests.
Held on Saturday 3rd October in Carol’s room, Newnham
Present: Ignatius, Will, Alicia, James, Carol, Roseanna
Later: Jack
4.27pm – Meeting opened.
- There are brownies.
- As a point, “science fiction” is not a word, it’s a phrase. 2-2-1-1 (it’s two words).
- “He’s not the Pope; he’s an intruder.”
- “You could have Rome with a hole in it.”
- Minutes from holidays.
- Carol disapproves of the secretary’s plan to lock children up for science.
- “I’m glad that ended in ‘supermodels’.”
- James is scandalised by the sight of Will’s legs.
- (“The truth will out”)
“Or James will out.” 3-1-2-0. - “James only does it when you’re not in the room. Please stay.”
- ‘Pastels’ made Ignatius think of camels.
- “I’m fully aware that I’m not an artificial intelligence; I’m not intelligent.”
- A joke, that has been made previously, is discussed.
- Ed uses the royal we.
- “As much as lesbianism would improve vocab’ tests, from my point of view” – Ed. 3-0-2-1 (No, just no).
- “I disapprove of lesbianism in my vocab tests.” – Roseanna. 1-1-4-0.
- “I don’t presume to comment on Roseanna and her vocab’ tests.” – Ed. 3-2-1-0.
- “She’s not a lesbian, she’s with amnesty international.” 5-0-1-0.
- Some people the undersecretary doesn’t know are discussed.
- Jack enters.
- It’s like a chop-stick, except one half is black and the other half is pretty. 2-3-1-1 (only a teeny bit racist).
- They fixed Sainsbury’s.
- It is an adverb, it exists.
- Babo. (bah-bow).
- The stomache of the dog displays digital photo’s.
- Finley the baby ASNaC.
- You want to swing like a gibbon. 4-0-1-2 (I disapprove of swinging; James wants to swing like a gibbon.)
- Alicia has no diaphragm.
- He’ll do that thing, where he’s really ugly...
- Anathem was written by A. A. Milne. 3-2-2-0.
- Will and Alicia wrestle on the chaise-longue.
- Will’s hair is green and his face is blue.
- An old meme is summoned from places best left undisturbed.
- Kuala Lumpur. 5-0-1-0.
- I have made a hole in Roseanna. 2-3-1-0.
- Will should have his fingernails cut. 3-1-3-0.
- Cunning, like a weasel with a moustache, which could also use, but wouldn’t be quite as neat.
- We read OTII.
- Mallory is clearly superior to your old Welsh languages.
- The voice of Dr. Anderson joins us by telephonic device.
- Close. 5-0-1-0.
The Secretary wishes to make it clear that by “Ed” James means “Ignatius”.
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