Eeyore's Gloomy Elevenses Meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society
In which spoons are quite crunchy, and the optative is easier to spot.
Held on Saturday 7th November in Eeyore’s Gloomy Place, Churchill.
Present: Ignatius, Will, Alicia, James, Roseanna.
Later: Eeyore, Simon.
4.05pm – Meeting opened.
- Ed’s kettle works sporadically.
- Ed’s tea is mineral proof.
- Commend Ed (for having fig rolls). 6-0-1-0.
- Alternatively, you could imagine Will platonically bondage-ing Ignatius. 4-2-0-1 (platonically bonding your face).
- Spoons are made of metal, which is quite crunchy.
- Science appears to be happening. Something to do with steel, fatigue and soggy doughnuts.
- Carol resigns as the James by text.
- Censure PoohSoc for fudging. 1-2-0-4 (I prefer toffee; commend PoohSoc for toffee; flying pandas; fudgepacker).
- The secretary is temporarily deaf. 4-1-0-1 (James mouths something silently).
- Thus a paradox is created by my very hearing that motion.
- Yay subjunctive realities!
It’s better than optative, surely?
No... the optative is easier to spot. - I mandate the secretary to wear pants on her head every Saturday. 1-4-0-1 (a tea-cosy).
- It’s in foreign; they do it that way there.
- Ed gave Will a small one.
- The Apocrypha would be weird if Death turned up.
- Commend Alicia and Will for being sweet. 3-2-1-1 (Awww).
- It’s less amusing if you guys aren’t around. 6-0-0-1 (mnuuuuuuh!).
- Violence occurs and Will hugs James’ leg.
- The Rock was going to play Johnny Bravo.
- Ignatius reads “The Alchemist”.
- There is experimental evidence for the Tube not being lickable.
- Censure for non-Pooh-related discussion. 3-2-1-0.
- Pooh would not make a good Roman.
- Will is being mean to Orson Scott Card et al.
- Death pannels.
- “Why is there spaghetti in the toilet?”
- He shouldn’t have to do anything because he’s joined Rock and Roll.3-3-0-1 (He ain’t nothing but a hound dog).
- Will hugs himself. 4-0-0-1 (Will should start paltting his hair). [I
preserve the original misspellings in the minutes for historic value...
here, “paltting” should read “plaiting”. The undersecretary can’t spell
– Roseanna].
- Alicia leaves to take her mother to chapel.
- University Challenge – Simon is on a team.
- Close meeting. 5-0-0-0.
Minutes in italics taken by James.
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