Held in U9.
Present: Vicky, Jon, Ben, Alasdair, Andrew, Ellen, a friend of Ellen's called Ellie I think, from Leeds.
Apologies: Chris Caroe, for no good reason. Matt Farrow becuase he'd already been in the pub for an hour and a half, and Sarah on the grounds of football.
- Apparently Jon Gabitass, Ben and Jon's ex-headmaster, has given him a book grant which will cover our new Testaments perfectly.
- Ben gives Jon a Smug Point for opening the meeting.
- There is Lots of Food, including hunny sandwiches!
- Ben is playing the 'Grease' soundtrack, and Vicky recognises 'Summer Loving'.
- Aladdair kindly reads the minutes from the last meeting.
- Angela arrives, bearing the ceremonial text of Pooh!
- Ben has great trouble pouring the tea from his novelty teapot.
- Tim has not turned up, so Vicky will have to cry over him as threatened.
- Should Naked Twister be played at PoohSoc? Unfortunately the conclusion of this exciting debate was lost to posterity...
- Ben pays up, and wants a minute for security, on the grounds that Vicky's just agreed to defraud his ex-headmaster.
- Angela pays up.
- Ellen and Ellie (?) leave.
- We will have to sanction Tapani for non-apology. However, no-one can think of what to do to him.
- Caroline arrives; a new face at PoohSoc, hurrah!
- In the absence of the Foreign Secretary, Jon gives us an update on the diplomatic situation as regards the Sheila and Her Dog Society (spit,, spit).
- Angela reads, from The House at Pooh Corner, "In Which a Search is Organised and Piglet Nearly Meets A Heffalump, Again."
- Alex arrives!
- Angela has Winnie-the-Pooh socks on: we agree that they can deputise for Huw's socks.
- Andrew pays up.
- Vote to amend the obligatory pronunciation of the word 'Relations' as 'Relationships' back to 'Relations' since it was barely funny even when James did it: For, 3, Against, l, Abstentions, 1; Motion carried.
- Angela continues leaving a significant gap after the word 'relations' each time.
- Apparently Vicky gets trodden on all the time. She refuses to elaborate.
- Angela: "I'm not very good at this innuendo business."
- Angela's Piglet voice is lowered on the grounds that it's quite possibly medically damaged.
- Ben is suffering from severe Assassin's Paranoia, and keeps leaping up every time someone passes the door.
- Vicky might be a Heffalump. After all, you can never tell just by looking.
- Angela's arm falls off after a hands-linking contest. No, really.
- Alex resigns the Posts of Under-Secretary and Kanga on the grounds that she's not here any more, and having done so leaves graciously.
- Ben decides to try toasted hunny sandwiches
- We must invite not only the normal honoured guests to the Garden Party, but also Princess Diana and Cardinal Basil Hulme.
- It is time to move the office of James: votes to remove Angela tearfully from office, or otherwise: For. 6, Against, 0, Abstentions, 1; motion carried.
- There is now no James. Angela quickly proposes Ben before something bad happens: For, 6, Against, 0, Abstentions, 1; motion carried, Ben is now James.
- There aren't enough people yet to make it worth holding an EGM, think Jon and Vicky, but we need a Vote to postpone; For, 5 + 1 foot, Against, 0, Abstentions, 1; motion carried.
- It is decided that the James can propose. Motions, that is, so we're all safe.
- Our other posts are owned up to as follows: Pooh (vacant), Piglet (vacant), Rabbit (vacant), Kanga (vacant), Roo (vacant), Wol (Sarah), Eeyore (Vicky), Heffalump (vacant). Small has no lines, so we discard the post.
- Jon mentions the Monopoly Society, but this is derided as being just silly.
- Somebody mentions the idea of Cheese and Chocoiate Buttons toasties, but I forgot who because my face was twisted in a grimace of horror.
- We want Tapani to be mandated to arrange a Poohsticks training session (6/0/1)
- The concept of Overland Foohsticks is explained.
- Angela invites us all to a Barndance.
- Thanks be to Ben for the food (6/0/0)
- Vote to make Kit Smart an Honorary Member (4/0/2); carried.
- Vote to close: 5/0/1; meeting closed. Now it's 4:22, so I'd better hurry.
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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1996.
Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College