Minutes of the elevenses meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society

Held in room 9, 38 Panton Street, not long after 4pm on the 22nd November 1997

present: Alison, Andrew, Ben, Emily Holden, Helen, James, Jenny, Rob, Tony Coleman, Stephen, Vicky Jackson

apologies: none

  1. Meeting is opened. Andrew minutes in the absence of Stephen.

  2. Japanese tea is served. It smells like seaweed.

  3. Emily, James, Rob and Vicky arrive.

  4. The classicists discuss how they could be supervised by Helen.

  5. James hangs his shirts on his wall. Vicky does this as well. But not James' shirts. Or his wall.

  6. Helen wakes up with computer each day.

  7. The chocolate Poohsticks sent by Andrew=D5s mum are eaten, though Jenny boycotts them as they are a) Disney Pooh, and b) Nestle. More for the rest of us!

  8. Rob reads last week's minutes off the computer, as we do not have paper versions of them. The virtual sheep on the computer sneezes, Rob says that it. is cute.

  9. The minutes are spontaneously changed, so they provide a truer record of the last meeting.

  10. James wants to lurch.

  11. Stephen was seen leaving 2 Selwyn gardens in the company of a girl.

  12. Helen lurches.

  13. Vicky was working during the Formal Hall of War. James wasn't there either, but claims he can't remember where he was. Ey up!

  14. Those members present at the formal hall of war were

    Jon Skeet
    Vicky Clarke

  15. Vote to censure the kitchen staff for the problems with seating arrangements at the Formal Hall of war.
    F 5 A1 Ab2 Motion passed

  16. The telephone rings. Helen will go back to the caller's place.

  17. Vote to let Emily vote:
    F7 A0 Ab1 Emily may vote in the meeting.

  18. Eeyore did not do CDT at school.

  19. Was Marvin the Paranoid Android in the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy based on Eeyore?

  20. Vicky says "neeeeeeeeeeyowwww".

  21. Stephen arrives.

  22. She was his sister (see minute 11). How disappointing.

  23. Vicky's testaments nestled next to two weighty tomes at the faculty.

  24. The reading. "In which Pooh invents a new game and Eeyore joins in"

  25. Ben arrives part way through the reading. He has just divorced the kettle.

  26. Jaffa cakes and Co-Ops are discussed ad nauseam.

  27. Vicky has pots on her spine.:
    F10 A0 Ab1 Motion passed. She has.

  28. Vote to close
    F7 A2 Ab2 Meeting closed.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1997.

Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College