Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society
elevenses meeting
Held on Saturday 3rd February 2007 in Oldham Hall Common
Room, Lucy Cavendish College
Present: Jack, Council (CGM), Beetle (Alexander)
- You have to jiggle Anna's thing.
- Meeting declared open.
- Jack's 'phone is only one day out.
- The kettle boils.
- We had a rash of American exchange students.
- Tonights are fairly inevitable.
- The minutes
of the previous elevenses meeting on 27th
January are read.
- Lisa & Owen are pretty entitirific.
- Council doesn't like being considered an entity.
- vote that Council is a plurality who only gets one vote: 2
for, 2 against; carried
- That will take half an hour to warm up, but that's ok
because the sun will take half an hour to go down.
- The minutes of the previous meeting continue to be read.
- A brief discussion is held with I Don't Know What Her Name
Is and she takes a scōne, or possibly a scŏne.
- A short speech from Jack perplexes the rest of the meeting.
- oo-er.
- votes to commend Council for providing scones: 3 for;
- reading: 1.III: In which Pooh and
Piglet go Hunting and nearly catch a Woozle
- "Oh! His nose."
– Jack
- Beatrix Potter is discussed.
- vote to censure Beetle for non-Pooh related activity: failed
- Now the minute-writer has a pen, CGM's ear will be happy.
- "It possibly involves straps." – Council
- Things in Council's pockets have to be resistant to
- "Yes, but it would be hard to stick behing my ear then."
– Council
- The Society and Karen are introduced to each other.
- Karen is a cyborg from a RTS sci-fi game.
- Jack is very impressed by Beetle's tea-cosy.
- Beetle says something and immediately inquires as to who
said it.
- "things that would be amusing to write down"
– all present
- Coming late is a good thing.
- "boys" – CGM
- "If you just bought this, I think you were ripped off.
But it depends what you paid for it."
- three votes
- The first one was something funny.
- vote: 0 one way, 2 the other way, 1 abstention; the other
- "It worked with my grandmother." – Jack
- much confusion
- We have silly buggers.
- vote that Rob looks like one of the intermediate stages in
the evolution diagram from ape to man, only don't tell him I said that:
carried 2-nil
- Saturday lectures are annoying: 2 for, 1 abstention; carried
- vote: by day, mild-mannered bespectacled bionatsci Anna; by
night, dark, mysterious Californian General Medical Council of Mystery
- CGM has nice, shy dimples
- Beetle's not going to have enough room.
- Council thinks that that was implied.
- JV attempts to read the minutes from today's meeting,
without much success.
- mmm, nougat success: motion abstained
- Council is not so awesome as to make two batches of scones.
- Beetle trusts his own.
- vote not to vote on it: 1 for, 1 against, 1 spoil (CR);
CR's deciding vote for
- Yes, maybe take me (wrongly).
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fog.
- "I could, you
know, get you up to my room."
- There, there.
- "Excuse me, I have to go 'get killed by a Grue.'"
- Alex does his own "bings".
- "evil bunny quotes of doom": passed
- meeting closed
- various doodles, including two mugs, a tea-pot, a rabbit
and an owl
To Lent 2007
© The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society
Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke
College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to
those of Pembroke