Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society elevenses meeting

Held on Saturday 10th February 2007 in 7 Tennis Court Terrace, room 2

Present: Californian Girl of Mystery, Alexander Beetle, Jon-g, Brian
  1. Unusually, CGM is the last.
  2. Jon-g and Brian pay their Pooh Levies and thus the meeting is declared open.  Charlotte* now owes the society £4.
  3. Brian inquires as to the particulars of the constitution and so Jon begins reading.
  4. A photo is taken.
  5. The photos of the Christmas party held on 25th November are admired.
  6. A vote is taken: passed
  7. Jon reads out the loyal toast, to the amusement of Brian.
  8. Alex decides to attempt music with a bowl of water and a flick.  the results are disastrous.
  9. The results are not disastrous at all: the present membership rehearses the society anthem in all its glory in preperation for the upcoming annual general meeting.
  10. Council is in charge of brewing the tea as well as pouring: failed
  11. We should let the British people brew the tea: passed
  12. Beetle's iMac starts to read the minutes of the previous meeting held on 3rd February, but is ordered to stop in favour of a human.
  13. It's out of context.
  14. Council and Jon-g complete the reading of the minutes.
  15. There's some more water over there.
  16. reading: 1.IX: In which Piglet is Entirely Surrounded by Water
  17. CGM will read Piglet today: passed
  18. Bing always starts the reading.
  19. Council tries to finish a sentence, without much success.
  20. Bink's sofa is complicated.  Obviously Bink is complicated herself, such that this does not need recording.
  21. censure Richard Davies for playing loud music: passed
  22. Beetle fights gravity.  Beetle wins.
  23. Beetle and Jon-g have many in common.
  24. A. A. could go to Massachusetts and marry C. R.
  25. Council's not that up on her trivia.
  26. "Can we pretend?"  – Brian
  27. meeting closed by vote.
  28. 31 minutes of la-de-dah-de-da
  29. Beetle accidentally invites Jon to a threesome.
* strictly speaking, acting Charlotte [illegible] i.e. Beetle

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© The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2007.

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